Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin pick - POOR LEadership - POOR Judgement - POOR Decision

McCain was the presumptive nominee at least since March, giving him 5 months to vet, consider and decide on a VP. Choosing a VP is perhaps the most important decision a presidential candidate must make during a campaign.

Usually presidential candidates chose a vice-presidential running mate because a) the person is clearly qualified to be president, b) they work well together, and c) he/she can help win the

With the announcement of Palin this past Friday it was pretty obvious that politics was the only consideration. Palin would help lure in the evangelicals and perhaps bring in a few clinton supporters. The timing of the Palin decision also knocked Obama's formal nomination off the front page and most likely cut into his post-convention bounce. This in itself says it was POLITICS FIRST, not Country First and raises the red flag that McCain will do anything to win. That he put politics first also indicates he is following in bush-cheney footsteps. Do we really want another 4 years of someone directing policy solely based on political considerations?

If in 3 short days, ordinary people, armed only with google as a tool can dig up this much dirt - what does it say about mccain's leadership, judgement and decision making skills?

How a person leads a campaign is indicative on how they will run their office if elected. As previously mentioned - McCain had at least 5 months to search and vet a running mate. What was he doing during this time? We learned yesterday that his "vetting" crew didn't show up in Alaska until the day before the announcement. Talk about last minute scrambling.

We have many serious problems here at home and abroad. Would McCain wait until the last minute to decide on a direction and then base the decision on what would be politcally expedient at that moment? Where's the foresight? The ability to see beyond a photo op?

Whether it's vetting a VP or anyone else to be appointed to office - this involves not only finding out if the person is qualified, but also finding out what may be hiding in their closets. With chosing Palin, it's pitifully obvious McCain did neither.

What is also obvious is there was no planning on how to handle the skeletons emerging from her closet. They are making it up as they go along, much in the same manner as the bush-cheney administration does when they are caught in a corner.

The larger issue is now one of Leadership, Judgement and Decision Making.

McCain is well on his way to being the Worst Presidential Candidate Ever.

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