Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy St. Dave's Day - REDACTED

On the evening of March 1, 2008, the following was posted on the DU. The following morning it had received a few views and only 1 response. By noon, a few more views and 1 more response.

Around 2pm that afternoon the post had disappeared, it had been removed, deleted or otherwise made into George Orwell's version of an "unperson".

Happy St. Dave' Day to all the Procrastinating Political Daves out there, to all those not named Dave, and most of all to a very special Dave!!

Speaking of the special Dave - with his help I selected a few "favorite" toons for your evening enjoyment.
[BLOG NOTE: For space considerations, other "toons" may be seen at The Radical Fringe. ]
FYI: Special Dave has a blog... and some of you may also find these sites interesting and enlightening...

On that note, I bid you all adieu, and click often for future Radical Fringe toons.
I have recieved no notice, no explaination as to why the post was not just locked, but totally wiped off the board. It was there, then *POOF* made into an "UN-POST".

1 comment:

CorpGovActivist said...

Love what you've done with the place.

Leave it to a graphic designer to have me looking around, going, "this is cool!"

Now I have to go change settings, remodel (I'd tinkered with colors and so forth, but nothing like this).

And I DEFINITELY have to add in some links.



- Dave