Thursday, July 31, 2008

Regarding Obama being risky

Regarding Obama being risky - you know what you will get with McCain - more of the same.

Our country was founded on risk, our innovations, our creativity, our progress is all based on risk. The founding fathers took a risk when they chose to challenge English rule. Americans took a risk when the ventured westward. Orville and Wilbur Wright took a risk when they flew at Kittyhawk. We took a risk when we shot a man into space, when we first orbited the earth, when we landed a man on the moon.

When someone starts up a their own business - is this not a risk? When you try something new, think outside the box - is this not a risk?

If we played it "safe" like McCain wants to do - we'd still be 13 english colonies, and probably huddled safely in underground bunkers like rabbits.

McCain is trying to brand himself as something known and equate it with safe and comfortable like a old pair of shoes, but when the old shoe has a big hole in the bottom maybe it's time to take a risk and try on a new pair.

Riddle: Where does McCain stand on the issues?
Answer: ummmm...what day is it?

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